A downloadable MinecraftMod

This was my first time modding minecraft with mcreator. This is a mod that includes some REALLY random stuff. The main focus of this minecraft mod was the new biome, slimelands. I hope people enjoy this deep dive into some chaotic stuff. Warning: I didn't implement recipe book recipes so you're not gonna know how to craft most stuff... Sorry.


gabes_mod.jar 678 kB

Install instructions

1. Download mod

2. Go to downloads folder and drag the mod onto your desktop.

3. Go into the search bar on the top of your file explorer and search %appdata% before pressing enter.

4. Find and enter the folder that says .minecraft

5. Search for the folder called mods. (Tip: The folder might not exist so you just have to add it sometimes.)

6. Drag the mod into the mods folder.

7. Get minecraft forge for 1.18.2 (Use this:

Note: This is not my video and tbh I haven't watched it but I think it is a good source.)

8. Play minecraft with minecraft 1.18.2 forge.


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I couldn't think of any images that would go with this item... So I just put my full mascot here. Derpy the Creeper.